Sustainability within PohlCon Benelux BV

Sustainability within PohlCon Benelux BV

Acting sustainably is one of the pillars within our organisation.
We make new investments on the basis of the latest technologies in the field of environmental protection and energy efficiency, community, ergonomics, safety and sustainability.

Where possible, our new equipment will be fitted with more efficient engines. This will keep harmful emissions to a minimum. PohlCon Benelux aims to offer its staff a good homebase. We are building a close-knit company for our enthusiastic team of motivated and capable workers. This enables us to perform operations to the satisfaction of our customers on the basis of mutual trust.

One aspect that is of concern to us as a company, but also as a member of the (economic) community, is the mobility and accessibility of large parts of our country. With the help of new planning techniques, flexible work times and close collaboration with our customers, we are trying to make a contribution towards better mobility, with reduced CO2 emissions.

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